Carolina Working Group Association

Serving dog breeds in the AKC Working Group

Any club in the Carolina's can offer a proposal to host the Carolina Working Group 2023 Show.  Specialty Club must complete the Proposal Form below.  All Proposal forms must be submitted to President Cathy Rubens email  919-949-4122 cell

What can we offer?

The Victory Lane Classic will provide the facility for you to hold an Independent Specialty at no cost to you. For designated specialties we will provide:

1. Rosettes for BOB, BOS, WD, WB, and Best in Sweepstakes, if Sweepstakes is offered. For National Specialties a rosette will also be offered for
2. Special reserved crating/grooming area for your breed.
3. Discounted Puppy and BBE classes.
4. A ring of adequate size related to the size of the entry and the breed.
5. If your club holds your specialty during the All-Breed show, we will work with your club to hire the specialty/breeder judge of your choice, if possible.
    Also, the hired panel of judges will be available to the Specialty club for judge’s selection in the event we are unable to secure your requested judge.
    If you wish to hire your own judge, we can allow you to do so.
6. Your club may hire a sweepstakes judge or we can hire one for you. We will work with you to make your club dreams a reality within your club’s
7. Provide trophy tables at your ring.
8. Provide all usual services offered by MBF for our shows.
9. Provide ring stewards.
10. A free page of advertising in the catalog.
11. Since your club will be responsible for reviewing and adhering to AKC Regulations as it pertains to Specialty Shows, we have a "Specialty
      Concierge" to assist your club with any show items or knowledge where you may need help. We realize that all clubs need guidance, so we have
      assigned a knowledgeable individual that is willing to work one on one with your club to make your event a success.

Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina!

Contact Cathy Rubens at:

Cell:    919-949-4122