Carolina Working Group Association

Serving dog breeds in the AKC Working Group


Attached you will find pertinent information relating to our membership process. Please review this information before completing and submitting your application. Membership is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club, and who subscribe to the purposes of our Club. According to Article I, Section 4 of our By-Laws: Any member in good standing who has held membership in the Club for at least one full year may endorse one candidate for membership in any one calendar year.
Educational activity is our lifeblood. We could not function without the volunteer work of our members. Taking part in our activities and functions help us form relationships with other members and participants in our sport.It also provides us an opportunity for growth and knowledge. There are many activities requiring voluntary participation: Education programs; Club and show publicity; Show and match setup; stewarding, judging, hospitality, etc:

Each applicant for membership must have a strong background in one or more working breeds. The following items are required for membership:·

  • Experience owning, breeding, exhibiting, or judging a Working Dog;
  • Sponsorship by two (2) members in good standing with the club and of different households, one of whom shall be a currently seated member of the Board of Directors.
  • Attendance at one (1) regularly scheduled club meetings, with an introduction by one of your sponsors


The Carolina Working Group Association also has a junior membership available.   To qualify the junior must be over 9 years of age and less than 18 years of at the time of the application.  Junior Membership carries no dues or voting privileges.

2021 General Meeting Dates (exact dates/times TBA)

March - April  - Concord, NC

June  -                 Saturday night Concord, NC.

July -                     Greenville, SC

August -                Greensboro, NC

November -           Winston-Salem, NC

December -           Winston-Salem, NC

STAR Awards Program

The CWGA will have an STAR award program for all dogs who attained a new AKC (only) title during the year. 

Eligible members must have renewed membership for the year prior to the deadline or joined the Club prior to July 1 of the year of the award.
Eligible dogs must be owned by and reside with the member. Click the button below for more information.

STAR Awards for the 2020 Year must fill out the STAR Awards Form located below.  Form must be received by April 1, 2021.